2004 ford expedition 5.4 L eddie bauer 2wd

2004 Ford ExpeditionHelp please. I replaced #4 ignition coil and while moving hoses I may have unplugged a connector. I have two unplugged passenger side connectors.  One is a 2 wire the other 3 wire. The 2 wire is red wr and blue wire next is 3 wire I believe it is grey blk red maybe pink. Both are located behind pcm coming out of silver thing bolted to firewall. Truck wont start but starter good, battery good but no power to ignition side of starter. All relays good turn key relay clicks help please.


  1. Check for battery negative at starter case
  2. Check for battery positive at the “S” terminal on the starter while someone holds the ignition key in the “START” position
  • If Battery positive is found, replace the starter.
  • If no battery positive is found, trace the wiring harness back and repair as needed (see wiring diagram)

2004 Ford Expedition 5.4 Starting system wiring diagram
