Need help with pulling a 2000 Volkswagen Passat transmission!!! anyone !!

Volkswagen Passat

I have never done a Volkswagen transmission before. I have done a few R&R s on Chevy’s and Ford’s but no Volkswagen’s. So if any one can help me out with a few tips or what I need to do or don’t do I would be grateful. I have heard a couple of things that I may have to do to pull this transmission like pull the starter to get to a bolt from the starter hole. and had someone told me that you can not get to the the torque converter bolts too pull the trans. I am a little lost on this so if anyone can help me out I would be grateful… thanks   gene

Volkswagen Passat Transmission Removal

Not sure of any tips or tricks for this one myself. I will add the auto repair manual procedure for reference and post in case some others may have something to add.
