The ac went out. My friend tried to jump the sensor wire and it stalled. Before this happened the engine was also shaking and sort of “knocking” but only for a few seconds at a time and it would stop, not sure if it is related, just wanted to let you know. When it stalled, this red lightning bolt inside backwards parentheses showed up. It went away when I disconnected and reconnected the battery. The car started right back up and was fine for a couple of days. Then it would not start or turn over. The electronics would come on, but it just clicked one time. And the lightning bolt was back. It didn’t show any codes but it has two knock sensor messages, $7E8 and $7E9. Online said the lightning bolt was the throttle body. We replaced that. Nothing changed. So, we replaced the starter, it was bad. The car would turn over, but not start. But now all the dash lights were going crazy and the windshield wipers came on when you tried to crank it even though they were off. I charged the battery. Tried to start, it turned over then mad a wah wah wah sound and stopped. Now it just clicks again like the new starter burned up. Does this sound like a short, or do you think the engine is seized up? Please help
What it sounds like to me is the battery has an internal short and isn’t allowing the correct voltage for things to operate correctly. Also make sure all connections and cables around the battery are clean. Using a good battery terminal cleaner should help do the trick.