1990 chevy sierra 4×4 truck
My 1990 Chevy sierra truck has a 5.7l v-8 t.b.i engine, automatic transmission. … Read More »1990 chevy sierra 4×4 truck
My 1990 Chevy sierra truck has a 5.7l v-8 t.b.i engine, automatic transmission. … Read More »1990 chevy sierra 4×4 truck
Symptoms of a bad EGR
what is the book labor time for an engine re and re?
Could Improper Timing By Mechanic Have Destroyed Engine? Or is it really a coincidence and caused by the intake manifold gasket?
started smoking a few day ago blue looking smoking is the engine gone
i have a 1993 oldsmobile cutlass ciera and my engine isn’t getting fuel i just replaced the fuel pump and fuel filter…. any suggestions??
Am looking at buying a p/u that someone put a supercharger in. He said that Monster Truck in Florida built the trany to gear low… Read More »Supercharger installed
Can you put a 1996 Saturn sl2 dual overhead motor into a 1999?
while tryint to change a spark plug in my only vehical the guys accidently broke the spark plug. Then tryed to use an easy out… Read More »spark plug and easy out
my car has blow its engine i bought a new one for it with every part im just wondering how much it would cost to… Read More »92 cadillac brougham 5.0 v8