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Cadillac ElDorado 1989 Bushing replacement

how do I replace front bushings on 1989 Cadillac?


1 thought on “Cadillac ElDorado 1989 Bushing replacement”

  1. Might I suggest checking out the “Auto Repair Manuals” Tab to your left…..

    Sway bar Bushings?

    Remove to bolts from each side, swap out bushing and reinstall.

    Sway Bar
    Jack up the front end of the car and safely support it with jackstands.
    Disconnect each side of the sway bar linkage by removing the nut from the link bolt. Pull the bolt from the linkage, then remove the retainers, grommets and spacer.
    Remove the bracket-to-frame or body bolts on both sides of the car and remove the sway bar, rubber bushings and brackets.
    To install, reverse the above procedure. Make sure the rubber bushings are installed squarely in the bracket with the slit in the bushings facing the front of the car. Torque the sway bar link nuts to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).

    Fig. 1: Common sway bar removal

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