2003 Lincoln Navigator.

About two months ago the vehicle starting missing or cutting off for a split second off and on white driving, sometimes it would just cut off but would start right back up. I replace one of the cats because I saw that it was glowing but that didn’t solve the problem. Another thing is and I don’t know if this has anything to do with it, turn signals starting acting up, sometimes they worked fine but now they do not work at all. One other thing I noticed is that the exhaust seems to get really hot, meaning when I stick my hand at the tail pipe it will burn your hand even when it has only been on 30 seconds, none of my other cars are like this. We have not had any real problems with this vehicle other than this and I would normally take it to a dealer but with me being in construction it is out of the question now because the trades don’t pay that good anymore. Would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks

1 thought on “2003 Lincoln Navigator.”

  1. First, if the check engine light is on, pull the codes and post them back in the comments.

    The cat glowing and the exhaust getting hot would lead me to believe you are not burning all the gas in the engine or the injectors are shoving to much fuel in when it shouldn’t be. Have you noticed more fuel consumption?
    You may have a leaking fuel injector or a bad o2 sensor that is causing to much fuel to be used and it is being burned in the exhaust.

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