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2002 jeep wrangler

I have replaced my master slave cylinder with a pre bled unit and yet my clutch still wont disengauge this is a new clutch about 15 000 miles on it so the two cylinders I replaced were only 15000 miles as well what else could it be  this is what happened prior when I had the whole clutch replaced  is this gonna happen every 15 thousand miles ?


I seen a service bulleton about putting two washers on the pivot point


1 thought on “2002 jeep wrangler”

  1. Generally you need to replace the clutch slave cylinder along with the master cylinder and then bleed the system.

    If you keep installing parts from the same manufacturer and drive it the same way you are now, then you are probably going to go through this every 15k miles.

    See if you can buy the master cylinder and slave cylinder as a complete assembly from the dealer and install that. No bleeding required and should last much longer. This is the way i would go if it was my Jeep.

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