I started working on replacing the head gasket and the AC components about a year ago, and I’m just now getting back out to it and I’ve forgotten how some of the parts fit together. The head gasket portion of the job is done, no problems there. I replaced the orifice tube, but before trying to connect the pipe it sits in back to the firewall, I put the old evaporator on to make sure that it would connect right, and I can’t get it to work to save my life. There’s a male part on the right side of the evaporator which faces downward at about a 50 degree angle. All that I need really is a picture or diagram of the evaporator and the lines which connect to it. If anyone has a picture of a grand prix c. 2000 where the air filter/cleaner has been removed, that would be all that I need since this all is located underneath the filter. Thanks!
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2000 Pontiac Grand Prix Evaporator replacement question
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