Hi, my name is Eric i have a 1998 ford escort ZX2 2.0 liter hot coupe. I bought a timing bet kit from Auotzone and had no problems threw entire installation until i got to the time Gates T42035 Timing Belt Pulley tensioner. It wont go on because it has recessed bolt instead of a flush bolt. Another words it does not line up with the rest of the components, the timing belt cover won’t go on let alone the belt. So I thought I was given the wrong part so I go back to the store and check, but that is the part they have listed. But that didn’t surprise me much because they make mistakes ALL the time. So i start googling it and sure enough that is the part listed at Fordparts.com and every other place I check. So don’t know what to do, or how to explain it in further detail.
If you have the old one you maybe able to use the bolt off of it. Does the old one look anything at all like the new one. Can you use the old bolt? You may need to just replace the bearing part of you old one and reuse it.
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