Home » Car Questions » 1999 Ford Explorer1999 Ford ExplorerDecember 5, 2015 The emergency brake engaged without foot pedal down.Keywords:Explorer1 thought on “1999 Ford Explorer” FreeAutoMechanic December 5, 2015 at 7:45 pm Sounds like a spring broke inside the brake drum. This happens on older vehicles Brake System more often than you might think. More so in areas that use a lot of salt on the roads. This should be the first place to inspect.Comments are closed.previous2005 ford freestarnext2008 Ford F 150
FreeAutoMechanic December 5, 2015 at 7:45 pm Sounds like a spring broke inside the brake drum. This happens on older vehicles Brake System more often than you might think. More so in areas that use a lot of salt on the roads. This should be the first place to inspect.
Sounds like a spring broke inside the brake drum. This happens on older vehicles Brake System more often than you might think. More so in areas that use a lot of salt on the roads. This should be the first place to inspect.
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