2000 Toyota Corolla 1.8

2000 Toyota CorollaI had a burnt valve and put a complete head from a junkyard on with new gaskets. Everything was cleaned and torqued to spec. No water in oil and no leaks, now it wont start unless I put a little gas in breather tube, and then it misses and smokes a little. Its blue smoke that kinda clears up after warming up, but still misses. Codes are P1300, P1305, P1310, P1315. Says igniters. What can I do???? Please help! Thanks


In most cases when the car is running normal and one of these codes appears it would be as simple as replacing the coil related to that specific cylinder. Not sure if these codes were there before you replaced the head or after. I am going to assume after. Double check your work. Sounds like your Timing is off. Check your timing marks again and when your done, check them again. Make sure the Crankshaft Position Sensor and Camshaft Position Sensor are plugged in. Check for intake leaks.

timing marks diagram 2000 toyota corollaIf all your work checks out I would treat this issue as a random engine misfire since all cylinders are complaining.

Possible causes for engine misfire
– Faulty spark plug (s)
– Faulty ignition coil (s)
– Clogged or faulty fuel injector (s)
– Intake air leak
– Fuel injectors harness is open or shorted
– Fuel Injectors circuit poor electrical connection
– Ignition coils harness is open or shorted
– Ignition coils circuit poor electrical connection
– Insufficient cylinders compression
– Incorrect fuel pressure



Code P1300 – Igniter Circuit Malfunction No. 1

The P1300 code is for the ignition coil No.1 and is set when there is no IGF signal to the ECM during engine operation.

Direct Ignition System (DIS) is a 1-cylinder ignition system that ignites one cylinder with one ignition coil. Ignitor is integral to ignition coil. The Engine Control Module (ECM) determines ignition timing and outputs a ignition signal (IGT) for each cylinder. Based on the IGT signals, power transistors in the ignitor cut of current to primary coil in ignition coil, causing ignition coil to fire spark plug. After delivering a command to turn off primary circuit on the IGT wire, ECM monitors IGF circuit to ensure primary switching occurred.
Possible causes

– Faulty Ignition Coil No. 1

– Ignition Coil No. 1 harness is open or shorted

– Ignition Coil No. 1 circuit poor electrical connection
– Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)

Code P1305  – Igniter Circuit Malfunction No. 2

The P1305 code is for the ignition coil No.2 and is set when there is no IGF signal to the ECM during engine operation.

Possible causes

– Faulty Ignition Coil No. 2
– Ignition Coil No. 2 harness is open or shorted
– Ignition Coil No. 2 circuit poor electrical connection
– Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)

Code P1310 – Igniter Circuit Malfunction No. 3

The P1310 code is for the ignition coil No.3 and is set when there is no IGF signal to the ECM during engine operation.

Possible causes

– Faulty Ignition Coil No. 3
– Ignition Coil No. 3 harness is open or shorted
– Ignition Coil No. 3 circuit poor electrical connection
– Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)

Code P1315 – Igniter Circuit Malfunction No. 4

The P1315 code is for the ignition coil No.4 and is set when there is no IGF signal to the ECM during engine operation.

Possible causes

– Faulty Ignition Coil No. 4
– Ignition Coil No. 4 harness is open or shorted
– Ignition Coil No. 4 circuit poor electrical connection
– Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)