Follow these pages if you know what kind of brake repair help you need. In this section you will find complete step by step instructions for properly replacing the rear drum brakes. If you follow these steps you are assured that your brakes will NOT squeal. If you just do a "pad slap" you can count on brake noise. The photo-graphical examples are actual photos taken during a rear drum brake job performed on a 1999 Ford E-150.

Replacing drum brakes - Step by step procedure:

Step 1. You will need to jack up the car and remove the rear wheels to gain access to the rear brake components.
Step 2. Remove the the brake drum from the vehicle.
Brake Drum
Step 3. Once you have the drum removed, it is a good idea to clean the area of dust with compressed air or brake wash spray.
Drum Removed
Step 4. Disconnect the Springs, removing the outer one first using the brake spring removal tool.
Disconnect Brake Shoe Spring
Step 5. Remove the two springs from the brake shoes..
Remove Springs
Step 6. Lift up on the Auto-adjuster and disconnect the adjuster cable.
Adjuster Cable>
Step 7. Remove the Auto Adjuster Cable From the upper retainer and remove.
Remove Adjuster Cable
Step 8. Remove the two Spring Loaded Brake Shoe Retainers.
Remove Spring Retainers
Step 9. Remove the Auto Adjuster Arm by sliding it forward and pulling outward. Remove the Spring and arm as one piece.
Adjuster Arm
Step 10. Pull the shoes outward and forward from around the drive axle assembly.
Remove Shoes
Step 11. Allow the shoes to collapse together so you can now remove the lower spring and adjuster with ease.
Colapse Shoes
Step 12. You are now left with one shoe still attached to the Park Brake arm assembly by one lock ring.
Park Brake Lock Ring
Step 13. Use a flat screwdriver and twist to open the ring. Then pry up on one end and this will allow it to release and be removed.
Remove Ring
Step 14. Use brake wash and clean the all surfaces.
Clean Area
Step 15. It is important to lubricate the 6 points that the shoes slide on to prevent any noise. Non-drying silicon brake lubricant works well for this.
Step 16. Once you see a steady stream of fluid tap a few times on the side of the caliper and then tighten the bleeder screw.
Install Lock Ring
Step 17. Install the brake adjuster and lower spring. Pull apart and slide the assembly over the drive axle.
*NOTE* Make certain the adjuster is adjusted all the way down before installing.
Assemble Shoes
Step 18. Install Spring Loaded Retainers to hold shoes in place so you can install the adjuster arm/spring and adjuster cable.
Install Retainers
Step 19. Install the Brake Shoe Springs.
Install Springs
Step 20. Install the the adjuster arm and spring and attach cable.
Install Adjuster Arm
Step 21. Install brake Drum
Install Drum

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